Mental health awareness week 2020 (18th to 24th of May) kindness

This week is mental health awareness week 2020 and the topic this year is kindness (it was originally going to be sleep but due to the caronavirus pandemic and consequent lockdown it was thought kindness was more relevant and appropriate than ever). I have shared my own mental health story so much, the only thing I need to mention is I struggle with my own mental health problems and did spend a year sectioned in hospital in 2015 because of being a high risk to myself ( so a similar situation to lockdown in some ways....although mentally I am actually alot stronger to deal with this situation now than I would have been even upto about 2 years ago). Various mental health charities and organisations have been offering advice on how to cope with mental health during lockdown and for mental health awareness week they say Kindness both to ourselves and others are good for positive mental health and thinking back to my own mental health history there has been kindness even from strangers ...