Mental health treatments don't treat dual diagnoses and how i still struggle

I have been going to a group therapeutic community for a year this month for people with personality disorders which is for people with borderline or emotionally unstable personality disorder but there are 10 different personality disorders and NHS guidelines and funding focus on borderline, which I have traits of but I scored higher for a diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder which when I looked up the criteria for recently sounds exactly like alot of my problems. People with avoidant personality disorder: avoid social situations or contact with others because they have an overwhelming fear of being criticised, rejected or ridiculed and feel inferior meaning you are often quiet, shy and inhibited in social situations and worry you may cry or blush or do something wrong in social situations and be unwilling to try new things for fear of being embarrassed in front of other people. This was totally me for many years along with eating disorders meant i just hid in my work ...