Suicide awareness week 2020

This week is suicide awareness week. It's a topic close to my heart as I'm proud to say I'm a survivor. Unfortunately too many people aren't as lucky. Suicide is a taboo subject but we need to talk about it to be able to prevent so many avoidable suicides. I've struggled with my mental health since I was a child, anxiety, depression and eating disorders which I struggled to get professional help for for years. At 21 I had severe bulimia and despite asking for help for years, never got specific help getting sent away from services...either too high functioning or too complex once I was self harming (which is different to suicide although people who self harm become higher risk of committing suicide). After 10 years of struggling with my bulimia, I needed a pacemaker for my heart as it had made a hereditary heart condition worse but I wasn't suicidal at that time (although I had always said I thought I had deserved to die at 28, the age my birth mum was when sh...