Eating disorder triggers other mental health problems

I'm open about my mental health, I want people to understand what it's like for someone living with an eating disorder. An eating disorder doesn't come in a specific size, someone of 20 stone or 5 stone can have the anorexic voice that screams at them daily that all food is bad, that bullies them into believing they are fat, a failure every time they eat. It can scream at you as you are trying to sleep, making you hate how fat and disgusting you has you believe....and the sad thing is if you are fat, people say things like well you haven't just realised you are fat....eating disorder thinking and behaviour aren't understood but are even less understood in people with Eating Disorders who are normal or overweight. It isn't the same as a diet gone wrong, or just over is the cycle of your head not allowing you to eat, then eating, then not eating again.... Yet most people with bulimia or other non specified eating disorders are norma...