Living with an eating disorder and other mental health problems

What else do you do when you can't sleep apart from count sheep lol write a blog post lol. Seriously though 8 years ago I was sent to a locked rehab for ladies with personality disorders as a sectioned patient because I was severely self harming and suicidal but my problems began with an eating disorder long before that when I was only about 12. I've told my story in different ways alot but to understand how it is now its easier to explain where it began. Someone who has an addiction to alcohol or drugs has a story and life history how they got there wether through starting through peer pressure or to deal with negative life experiences but once they're an addict all anyone sees is the physical symptoms and behaviours of the addiction but the life story shows the person under the addiction and the same goes for an eating disorder, the underlying causes are long gone and the eating disorder becomes all consuming in your mind. In primary school I was known for 2 things being...