Avoidant and dependant personality disorders...
I feel like doing a blog update...everyone has heard of anxiety,depression,bipolar and schizophrenia but personality disorders are becoming a more diagnosed condition too. Mostly because they used to be classed as untreatable but now there are specific therapies available...another blog for another day. Personality disorders are conditions in which an individual differs significantly from an average person in terms of how they think, perceive, feel or relate to others. Often if people have heard of personality disorders the most commonly heard of is borderline (bpd) also called emotionally unstable personality disorder. That's because it is the personality disorder that is most impulsive landing people in hospital for self harm or suicide attempts therefore most therapies are for bpd. (Which I do have traits of ). However there are 15 different personality disorders including borderline and the main 2 I have are dependant and avoidant personality disorders. They are anxious perso...