Food contradictions in society that make eating disorder recovery hard...

In society and by medical professionals we're made to  believe it is unhealthy to be fat, it is healthy to be thin and there are good and bad foods. It is all too common to hear people going on about how good they are being because they are only having a piece of fruit for they are being good by not having cake etc. Yet in the same society every social situation involves food...yesterday I went to the local mental health services agm meeting where all the local service areas showcase their services. There are contradictions though...there are services encouraging people to follow healthy lifestyles to lose weight because alot of mental health medication has side effects of weight gain (which can't easily be lost just by healthy diet and exercise...I put on between 4 and 6 stone on mirtazapine an antidepressant and even when I was swimming 100 lengths a day and barely eating a few years back I didn't lose any weight and am struggling to lose it now even after stopping the meds).Then lots of the other stands were giving out cakes....As I have mentioned before I'm bulimic...that means you are triggered to binge eat, staff knew I have that issue yet were saying why didn't I go and get some cakes. As it is I actually get anxious eating with other people anyway and as ashamed as I am to admit it I binged the night before so my plan for today was I wasn't allowed to eat....i had some soya milkshakes to get me through the day. I did a level 2 health and nutrition course not long ago and it basically was telling you you should record everything you eat and drink and add up the calories you are having (that is what I do as part of an eating disorder yet people are getting encouraged to do that as a so called healthy lifestyle.  Over my years in mental health services I have met and made friends with other service users with eating disorders and have had some eating disorder therapy. My friends who are in recovery follow the plan as best they can of eat 3 meals and 3 snacks and no food is bad. When I was in an eating disorder clinic a typical meal plan was as follows:
8am BREAKFAST cereal with soya milk we had a bottle of milk we had to use a day)

12pm LUNCH jacket potato or sandwich with topping or filling with 5 bean salad and salad and a pudding
2pm MID AFTERNOON SNACK banana or chocolate bar or packet of crisps anything really as no food is bad as part of a healthy diet.
5pm DINNER example: lasagne, salad and garlic bread or pizza, chips and sweetcorn (again not all "healthy " fact quorn was banned as it could be seen as a diet food so vegetarians had to have tofu and houmous. and a pudding such as tinned fruit
9pm SUPPER cereal or a Muller rice.

This seems alot of food but it could be agreed with the dietitian to have half portion...for people with bulimia who make themselves sick feeling too full can be a trigger to purge. But obviously the aim was to be able to eat full portions although portions could be adjusted according to if you was gaining too much weight or not enough dependant on if you were there for weight gain or symptom interruption from purging. This is why I keep asking to see a dietitian as I try doing similar meal plans to this. But some days I dont have enough, which leads to bingeing  which leads to restricting which leads to more bingeing and then I cant trust the meal plan.
I try and buy varied foods...I'm doing a sponsored swim so need energy so haven't been focused on buying low calorie foods when I fight the eating disorder voice that obviously prefers the least calorie foods. So I have things like peanut butter or jam or houmous in a sandwich with a Muller light yogurt for lunch. Non eating disorder specialist staff tell me to just eat 3 meals no snacks as obviously they arent trained in eating disorders nutrition which I know in theory but struggling to follow on my own without proper help).I get told to ask other service users for help in meal planning...none who are trained in eating disorder nutrition and some who actively have eating disorders so struggle just as much as I do in different ways. I have come across people over the years in services who are anorexic who look at food the way most of society has made them think about it...fat and sugars are bad , being thin is healthier than being fat. The government annoy me as they have a drive on obesity blaming an obesity epidemic on people having more medical problems yet there is also an epidemic of eating disorders...there arent enough beds across the country for people with anorexia who also cost the NHS...there needs to be a healthier balance. I'm trying really hard to fight my eating disorder voice to restrict as I need energy to do my sponsored swim....My favourite phrase today has been JUST KEEP SWIMMING IN THE WORDS OF DORY...


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