Making and keeping friends is hard when your mental health gets in the way...

I guess I'm not the easiest person to understand sometimes, especially as a can be positive one minute, then negative the next. With the mental health diagnosis i have there are usually triggers to low mood and impulsive behaviours. Recently my mum has been poorly and my biggest fear I have is losing my parents and also someone pointed out I seem to struggle close to my birthday and I always feel guilty being alive around my birthday because of my birth mum dying at 28 as a result of me being born. I guess I am open about stuff, some people would say too open, but i guess i have been in mental health services so long it has become normality to be around other people with issues who often also talk openly so i forget " normal people " aren't as open. Also I think the last few years my identity became my mental health problems but I'm trying to break away from that. That is why I joined a choir and have started going to a drama group so I can do things to distract a...