Dealing with eating disorder issues during a lockdown

Trying to be positive about the whole lockdown situation. I often feel lonely and socially isolated but that had been getting better lately and I had arranged to meet with some friends to go to the cinema and other stuff so I'm trying to stay positive that socially life will get better after we get through this pandemic. It is easier to try be more positive about the situation if I remind myself everyone is going through the same.

Food is going to do my head in, my head always says all food is bad, and I hate myself for being fat all the time, I cant go out to exercise being stuck in I'm going to get even fatter. Some days I stay in bed to avoid food but then obviously end up eating at some point. When my mood goes really low and or I'm bored or lonely I find it harder to restrict and end up going the other way and bingeing.  My food shop isnt due for 2 more weeks, I have food in if it's a restrict week my head will constantly be reminding me there is stupid food in but I cant eat it or if it's a binge week I will end up eating my food and running out well b4 next shop due. I normally do my food shop with a support worker who I get on with and was finding shopping less stressful now got to do online they could send any substitute and then I end up not dealing with it.

The 2 things that help me the most are spending time with Warwick and singing they're the 2 things that shut my head up....going to miss Warwick so much bless him....

I'm fed up of this constant battle 😥🍏🥗🍕


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