Finding it hard as usual coping strategies can't be used in lockdown

I'm really struggling at the moment, not had a serious suicidal crisis that I've acted on for about a year and a half and I don't have any suicidal thoughts, but am struggling alot with anxiety, low mood and eating disorder and self harm thoughts (which are different to suicidal ones, self harm happens when your emotions basically explode out I guess is a way to explain it). I used to self harm alot, but over the last couple of years I rarely do apart from at times of stress. I'm trying to find other ways to deal with the situation but feelings can even be boredom, frustration, loneliness, anxiety and depression.  All which are being triggered being stuck in my flat 24 hours a day. I know everyone is in the same boat.

I do try write a list daily of a few things I want to do and achieve that day, some days that works other days, especially the says where I haven't slept well the night before, I am literally just doing what I feel like doing, that might be a duvet day, I'm trying to plan it so I have a productive day then a duvet day I'm not allowed a few duvet days as that does then make my depression worse but I do need some rest days as I have physical health issues that mean I do get tired and being over tired does trigger my depression so it's a case of getting the balances right.

In normal situations I go to therapy 3 full days a week, and structure my life around that, choir and spending time with Warwick my horse who I am missing so much. My car battery has totally died so not sure when will next get to see him hopefully not too long.

Don't know point of todays blog post, I'm trying to stay connected through choir online which is really good and I am talking to people on messenger and on the phone and zoom but it is a case of taking g each day day by day.....we will meet again....don't know where don't know when ....but I know we'll meet again some day....hurry up and go coronavirus...


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