Trying to be positive and "feel the fear and do it anyway"

My mood and confidence has been up and down the last few weeks, partly some antibiotics I'm on I think affected a mood stabiliser I am on but also it is what I am like anyway. I often get down that I don't see friends often, I get down that I feel not good enough, I get down that I'm too fat...I think everyone has those days and it is the way we look at it. On a dark day I can think I don't see friends often it must be something I have done wrong or the other way of looking at it is they have busy lives and we will enjoy the times we do see other more so with it being the summer holidays a couple of my friends are free to meet up over the next few weeks which I'm looking forward much as technology is great to stay in touch it's not the same as doing things together in person. I always get down about my weight, years of eating disorders won't go overnight...probably won't ever go and eating disorders arent great in lockdown but last year I did...