The story behind Alfred on my mental health journey R.I.P. Alfredo
In 2015 I was sectioned in hospital for a year and before that had lived with my parents after a failed attempt of living on my own at 21 when my bulimia really took hold so my mental health made me lack confidence in my own ability to live alone. At the beginning of 2016 I was discharged to a mental health rehab where I had my own flat but with staff on site who gave me my meds and who ran activity groups etc. to help service users live more independently after being in hospital.
I lived at the rehab for a year then moved into a council flat but the tenancy was to the rehab rather than me directly for a year before it became my tenancy. I think I got Alfred for my birthday 2018 just before the tenancy became mine but my dad turned up with Alfred, I can remember I was really depressed and anxious at the time and Arthur the cat and Alfred came to live with me, I had wanted a guinea pig for ages and the rehab staff had kept trying to blackmail with if I went so long without self harming I would be allowed a guinea pig like that would work, ( if it would having my horse Warwick would have stopped me, I love my animals but not myself)but having Arthur and Alfred made my flat feel more homely and I'm one of those crazy people that wakes up says morning to my pets, or goodnight or see you later boys.
Alfred has woken me up every morning squeaking for kale since I got him apart from times he has been poorly and miraculously he has been really poorly and survived. I always knew he was poorly because he stopped eating, I would love it at night hearing him munching as it meant he was ok. Recently he had a cyst which was hurting him so he stopped eating and drinking but he had it lanced off, had antibiotics and painkillers and I fed him liquid food and he got better, the vet couldn't believe how well it had healed as he had thought it would need an operation to remove it all and he had got back to his normal lively self, eating and squeaking and asking for food but then sadly tonight he seemed quiet so I got him out and he was unbalanced and looked like he had a stroke and was having fits, it was awful and I just held him to reassure him and took him to the vets I was hoping there was something they could do but I knew it was going to be a final goodbye. Saying goodbye to Alfred has brought memories of my times in my flat good and bad, but I'm thankful I had him and Arthur it made living on my own easier, Arthur the cat will miss his little friend and so will I R.I.P. Alfredo πͺπͺπͺπ
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